
Jan 18, 2013

Videos You must See (Dogs and Kids).

Videos You must See (Dogs and Kids).

"God Really Does not make Mistakes" Unbelievable understanding between a dog and little kid  

Dogs are Really unpredictable Creatures.  

Baby's what can we say about them? 

Jan 17, 2013

اعرف اكثر عن موبايلك

اعرف اكثر عن موبايلك .

هل تساءلت يوما اى من الهواتف المحموله هو الأفضل بالنسبة لك ؟!

  كل واحد منا ينجذب إلى شيءمعين فى الهواتف المحموله (الجوال). البعض منا قد يكون مهتمون للغاية بحجم الهاتف المحمول، قد يفضل البعض الاخر التصميم أو الأداء إلى أي شيء آخر. لا تزال الكثير من الأشياء مثل الصوت، الذاكرة، كاميرا، وبطارية، مشغل موسيقى، ألعاب، وأشياء كثيرة أكثر من ذلك تنال اهتمامات الاخرين.

لمساعدتك على العثور على أفضل موبايلات من شأنها أن تلائم الاحتياجات الخاصة بك، جمعت لك بعض من أفضل المواقع التي مواصفات الجوال في قائمة التفاصيل.



 هذا الموقع يقدم معلومات مفصلة جدا حول الملايين من الهواتف المحمولة. وعلاوة على ذلك أنه يوفر القدرة على مقارنة اثنين من الهواتف المحمولة لبعضها البعض. كما يقدم خدمات التصويت   للميزات العامة، التصميم والأداء وغيرها من الخدمات.

كثير من هذه المواقع تقدم أيضا معلومات مفصلة عن نفس الهواتف النقالة. يمكنك إلقاء نظرة نفسك.







 اما بالنسبة للاسعار، فهى تختلف من دوله الى اخرى وبعض الموديلات تكون متاحه فى بعض البلاد دون غيرها. و لكن ان كنت تريد ان تعرف اسعار للهواتف من داخل مصر كمثال. فيمكنك الخول على احد المواقع التاليه التى تتيح لك خدمة الاسعار مع وجود بعض التخفيضات والعروض المستمرة.



وهناك الكثير من المواقع الاخرى يمكنك البحث عنها باستخدام مواقع البحث مثل جوجل وغيره من محركات البحث.

Jan 16, 2013

Find More about Your Mobile Phone.

Find More about Your Mobile Phone.

Have you ever wondered which mobile phone is the best for you ?! Everyone of us is addicted to a different thing on mobile phones. Some of us might be very much interested in the mobile size, others might prefer the design or performance to anything else. Still a lot of things else such as Sound, Memory, Camera, Battery, Music Player, Games, and so many things more. 

To help you to find the best Mobile that would suit your needs, I collected for you some of best Websites that list Mobile Specifications in details.

1-  Gsmarena.

This website offers a very detailed information about millions of Mobile Phones. Moreover it provides the ability to compare two mobile phones to each others. It also offers Voting and rating for the overall marks of Design, Features and Performance.

Many of these Websites also provide the same detailed information about Mobile Phones. You can take a look yourself.

2- Fonearena

3- Phonearena

4- Phonegg

Happy To help. :D

Jan 15, 2013

Top 10 Most Common Computer Problems and Solutions

1. The Computer Won’t Start

A computer that suddenly shuts off or has difficulty starting up could have a failing power supply. Check that the computer is plugged into the power point properly and, if that doesn’t work, test the power point with another working device to confirm whether or not there is adequate power.

2. The Screen is Blank

 If the computer is on but the screen is blank, there may be an issue with the connection between the computer and the screen. First, check to see if the monitor is plugged into a power point and that the connection between the monitor and computer hard drive is secure. If the problem is on a laptop, then you may need to get a professional to fix it as some of the internal wires may be worn.

3. Abnormally Functioning Operating System or Software

If the operating system or other software is either unresponsive or is acting up, then try restarting your computer and run a virus scan. To avoid having this happen, install reliable anti-virus software.

4. Windows Won’t Boot

If you are having troubles booting Windows, then you may have to reinstall it with the Windows recovery disk.

5. The Screen is Frozen

When you computer freezes, you may have no other option than to reboot and risk losing any unsaved work. Freezes can be a sign of insufficient ram, registry conflicts, corrupt or missing files, or spyware. Press and hold the power button until the computer turns off, then restart it and get to work cleaning up the system so that it doesn’t freeze again.

6. Computer is Slow

If your computer is slower than normal, you can often fix the problem simply by cleaning the hard disk of unwanted files. You can also install a firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware tools, and schedule regular registry scans. External hard drives are great storage solutions for overtaxed CPU’s, and will help your computer run faster.

7. Strange Noises

A lot of noise coming from your computer is generally a sign of either hardware malfunction or a noisy fan. Hard drives often make noise just before they fail, so you may want to back up information just in case, and fans are very easy to replace.

8. Slow Internet

To improve your Internet browser performance, you need to clear cookies and Internet temporary files frequently. In the Windows search bar, type ‘%temp%’ and hit enter to open the temporary files folder.

9. Overheating

If a computer case lacks a sufficient cooling system, then the computer’s components may start to generate excess heat during operation. To avoid your computer burning itself out, turn it off and let it rest if it’s getting hot. Additionally, you can check the fan to make sure it’s working properly.

10. Dropped Internet Connections

Dropped Internet connections can be very frustrating. Often the problem is simple and may be caused by a bad cable or phone line, which is easy to fix. More serious problems include viruses, a bad network card or modem, or a problem with the driver

Spy the Spy.

Spy the Spy.

Spy the Spy is a free  and small software that you can use to track a specific location in your Computer or network "Folders". It simply adds a watch on the specific location, once a new file created, deleted, or even modified a pop up window will show up to tell exactly what happened.

I believe this software can be useful for Developer and Programmers. It's also very helpful fo IT Professionals to track weird activity on System or a specific locations in the Local Area Network.

Spy-The-Spy sits in tray and watches folders you specified in settings. The folders include subfolders so you really just need to set C:Windows to monitor all additions to Windows and System folders. This is set by default.

You have the option to add selected files to Quarantine. It will brute force kill the processes quickly one after another to avoid watchdogs and move the exe file to a Quarantine folder.

System File Check
Additionally a button for SFC was added. This will run Windows Protection that checks all system files for changes and it will copy them from Windows CD if they are different.

Jan 14, 2013

Using Google mail "Gmail" to send up to 50 SMS everyday FOR FREE

Using Google mail "Gmail" to send up to 50 SMS everyday FOR FREE.

Hello everyone!

Recently I discovered a very cool feature that Google has added to gmail  which is the ability to send many SMSs daily, up to 50 SMS everyday. Surely it's not available for all of the countries around the world but it's still available for so many countries as well.

The cool thing about this service that it sends your SMS immediately, unlike some other Free SMS websites available on the internet that might take hours or sometimes days to process your request. You should try this service yourself. 

I will take you through a very easy steps to show you how to do that.

First of all you should have a Gmail account valid to use. If you don't have one you can go to and create a new account. BTW you should have at lease one confirmed contact in your Gmail account.

Once you have finished and everything is good to go, open your email account using any of well-known browsers, like Chrome, Opera or Firefox as shown in the below picture. Move your Mouse over anyone of the listed contacts on the bottom left side. As seen in the picture.

Select send SMS message. A new small window will pop up asking you to select the country and to provide the Mobile Number - YOU CAN ENTER ANYBODY'S NUMBER HERE-. Take a look at the below picture.

Once you have done what's been showed in pictures, you will see a new small chat window at the right bottom of the screen. The next picture shows that.

Note how many messages left. I think you should try it yourself.

Using Old Drivers on Windows 7 and Vista

Couple days ago one of my friends called me and asked me about the possibility to use and old version of drivers of an Old scanner BENQ  that were designed for at most Windows XP, I actually kept on searching to see a solution for this problem finally I came across some results:

Since he was asking about anything that might help in using this Scanner on Windows 7, I found a pretty good software called "VueScan", this software is designed for that purpose, which is to use with the old pieces of Scanners that are not anymore supported by new Operation Systems, or their drivers are not available by the manufacturer anymore. For sure it's not for free, but it worth a shot. Here's the link "".

As it's mentioned in description of the Software "VueScan is an easy-to-use replacement for the software that came with your scanner and supports most flatbed scanners, printer/scanners and film scanners. Over 10 million people have downloaded VueScan since it was first released in 1998. Whether you are looking for more advanced features that your scanner vendor doesn't provide, or your scanner vendor no longer supports your scanner, VueScan 9 helps you get the most out of your scanner"

The second Solution is more practical and I guess it's also helpful just in case if you want to use any hardware that that's not simply a Scanner. It's the "Compatibility" mode"....Just as shown in the Right side Picture.

This option can be applied to any EXE files, Setup files for example. So if you have the Installation drivers of specific hardware, you can apply this settings to the Setup.exe or Install.exe or what ever the file is called.

You can also do that with any application that you have a problem with getting it run in Windows 7 or Vista. Games for example.

Here's another Video shows how to use compatibility mode

The third solution is the Best and the easiest one, Can you guess it??
Yea, that's right....INSTALL WINDOWS XP   LOL :D